Monday, April 8, 2013

A7  Time Capsule

After a rainy start to our day we had a very productive afternoon. Because the playground was still wet we had to have indoor recess in the afternoon. I love hearing the buzz of our busy first graders during indoor recess. From working on their number scroll to making cards for their friends and family everyone manages to keep themselves busy. I took a fun panorama of what indoor recess in our room looks like.

After recess we created our class time capsule. We’ve been study classrooms from the past, and I thought a nice way to end the unit would be to create something that will help classrooms in the future learn from us. Each student filled in an information sheet so everyone felt that they had contributed.

I gathered materials from around the room and several students also brought in items to add. After we filled our time capsule (an old chlorine buck from my parent’s garage) we discussed when the time capsule should be opened. After MANY suggestions we decided to wait until 2024, the year this class will graduate high school. While I didn't end up burying the time capsule, hopefully someday someone will learn something about what 1st graders were like in 2013.

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